Oh Tartabelle: Mesa dulce One Direction y cómo San Google ...

Data protection. – In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Prot¡¡’¡¡¡ection Regulation and all other applicable regulations, you are hereby informed that SISTEMAS TÉCNICOS DEL ACCESORIO Y COMPONENTES, S.L., as the data controller, will process your email address, as well as all other personal data provided, for the purpose deriving from the object of this email. This processing will be carried out based on the legal grounds provided for in article 6 of GDPR 679/2016 of the European Union. Likewise, your data may be disclosed to all companies that may need to access such data to enable us to comply with this purpose. The personal data provided will be retained for the time necessary to comply with the purpose for which they were collected and to determine the possible liabilities arising from said purpose, as well as for the periods established in files and documentation regulations. You can contact us at any time to exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, restriction of the processing, portability of data and withdrawal of consent by writing to us at the following postal address: P.I. Picusa – A Matanza, 15900 Padrón (A Coruña) or to the email address: rgpd@stac.es, attaching a copy of your National Identity Document in all cases. If you feel that your rights have been neglected, you can file a claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Confidentiality. – All information, mail, data and any content adjoined to this email is confidential and is addressed to the recipient thereof or, where applicable, those copied in the email. If you are not the recipient of this email or if you have received it by mistake, please delete its contents and notify the sender at this address as soon as possible. Any modification, retransmission, dissemination, disclosure, copy, distribution or any other use of this information by persons or companies other than those to which it is addressed is prohibited, unless expressly authorised by the sender of the message.

Exemption from liability. – Although SISTEMAS TÉCNICOS DEL ACCESORIO Y COMPONENTES, S.L. has adopted the necessary precautions, you are hereby informed that by sending this communication the sender is not obliged to control the absence of viruses, worms, Trojan horses and/or any other harmful computer programme. The recipient is responsible for having the hardware and software tools necessary to guarantee both the security of their information system and the detection and deletion of harmful computer programmes. SISTEMAS TÉCNICOS DEL ACCESORIO Y COMPONENTES, S.L. will not be held liable for damage or losses that may occur for this reason. You are also informed that the sender of this message is exclusively and personally liable for the statements contained herein.

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Data protection. – In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and all other applicable regulations, you are hereby informed that SISTEMAS TÉCNICOS DEL ACCESORIO Y COMPONENTES, S.L., as the data controller, will process your email address, as well as all other personal data provided, for the purpose deriving from the object of this email. This processing will be carried out based on the legal grounds provided for in article 6 of GDPR 679/2016 of the European Union. Likewise, your data may be disclosed to all companies that may need to access such data to enable us to comply with this purpose. The personal data provided will be retained for the time necessary to comply with the purpose for which they were collected and to determine the possible liabilities arising from said purpose, as well as for the periods established in files and documentation regulations. You can contact us at any time to exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, restriction of the processing, portability of data and withdrawal of consent by writing to us at the following postal address: P.I. Picusa – A Matanza, 15900 Padrón (A Coruña) or to the email address: rgpd@stac.es, attaching a copy of your National Identity Document in all cases. If you feel that your rights have been neglected, you can file a claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Confidentiality. – All information, mail, data and any content adjoined to this email is confidential and is addressed to the recipient thereof or, where applicable, those copied in the email. If you are not the recipient of this email or if you have received it by mistake, please delete its contents and notify the sender at this address as soon as possible. Any modification, retransmission, dissemination, disclosure, copy, distribution or any other use of this information by persons or companies other than those to which it is addressed is prohibited, unless expressly authorized by the sender of the message.

Exemption from liability. – Although SISTEMAS TÉCNICOS DEL ACCESORIO Y COMPONENTES, S.L. has adopted the necessary precautions, you are hereby informed that by sending this communication the sender is not obliged to control the absence of viruses, worms, Trojan horses and/or any other harmful computer program. The recipient is responsible for having the hardware and software tools necessary to guarantee both the security of their information system and the detection and deletion of harmful computer programs. SISTEMAS TÉCNICOS DEL ACCESORIO Y COMPONENTES, S.L. will not be held liable for damage or losses that may occur for this reason. You are also informed that the sender of this message is exclusively and personally liable for the statements contained herein.


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