22/10/2021 | Products
Universal shootbolt levers for passive sash locking systems.
13/10/2021 | Products
Multipoint handle for large sliding windows.
05/10/2021 | Products
Handle for multipoint locks with a flush design that enables the installation of a double handle.
01/10/2021 | Products
Handles with a hidden mechanism that do not have any features that are unnecessary for their functionality.
23/09/2021 | Products
Window handle with key-operated blocking and tilt limitation.
17/09/2021 | Products
Window handle designed to fit the most innovative Eurogroove top-hung opening systems.
10/09/2021 | Products
SIRIUS pressure fastener with SIRIUS aesthetics designed for systems with inward or outward opening.
23/08/2021 | Products
Tamper-proof cover plate, compatible with all European cylinder locks.
28/05/2021 | Company
STAC is moving towards improving, updating and simplifying all the documentation for its product lines. The documents are more intuitive achieving a simple and easy to understand product with the objective of achieving a satisfactory end user experience.